Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has been assigned an IP address of The two workstations are connected with a straight- through cable. Attempts to ping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What are two things that could be attempted that would allow communications between the hosts? (Choose two.)
A. Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.
B. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /25.
C. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /26.
D. Change the address of Workstation A to
E. Change the address of Workstation B to
Answer : A and B
A: Host to Host communication needs crossover cable.
Both hosts using network with /28 mask.
Subnet Mask :
= 256 – 240 = 16
Network Address | Broadcast Address |
0 | 15 |
16 | 31 (Host A) |
32 | 47 |
48 | 63 |
64 | 79 |
80 | 95 |
96 | 111 (Host B) |
112 | 127 |
128 | 143 |
144 | 159 |
160 | 175 |
Option D and E are not possible: because both are broadcast addresses.
In case we use /26 instead of /28 then
Network Address | Broadcast Address |
0 | 63 (Host A) |
64 | 127 (Host B) |
128 | 191 |
192 | 255 |
C: Now also Host A and Host B belongs to different subnets.
In case we use /25 instead of /28 then
Network Address | Broadcast Address |
0 | 128 (Host A & Host B) |
128 | 255 |
B: If we use /25, both Host A and Host B belongs same subnet
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